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Text File | 1994-06-08 | 82.6 KB | 2,372 lines |
- Info-Mac Digest Thu, 15 Jul 93 Volume 11 : Issue 143
- Today's Topics:
- [*] AutoBoot 1.2.2
- [*] babysmash5.0 (new version)
- [*] blit 1.0 re-submission
- [*] File
- [*] Fractal 1.1 again
- [*] helix-101-updater.hqx
- [*] HiBBS 1.50 Client software
- [*] LineShare 2.0 Demo
- [*] mac-life-insurance.hqx
- [*] Memories.hqx for After Dark
- [*] Monitor Switch 1.0
- [*] New Living Desktop Demo
- [*] No Left Turn
- [*] OtherMenu 1.1 extension
- [*] pocketforth
- [*] PortShare Pro 2.0 Demo
- [*] PowerPC Chat (21 June 1993) from AOL
- [*] Referential Expansion
- [*] ScriptGen 2.1.3
- [*] Shareware upload
- [*] Smaller Installer
- [*] TheBar.sit.hqx
- [*] tribezh.hqx
- [*] update of earlier submission
- [*] Wave Window 1.0
- 'PC's, MACS, & Word'
- (Q) Disk bracket for Centris 610 CD slot?
- (Q) Restrict Printer Access
- (Q) seek advice for text editor
- (R) advice on 21 meg floptical drives
- 24 Bit Startup Screen
- Accessing multiple partitions during ftp
- American Heritage Dictionary - Wordhunter
- Any Rasterops Conflicts?
- arab system
- Attention! RIVAL registered users...
- AU/X, how to get it?
- BENELUX users ATTN !
- Booking
- Centris 610, TR Cards (C)
- Connecting Apple monitors to PCs (Q)
- Crippledrive major disad
- DC Monument Pictures (Q)
- De screening software
- does info-mac still exist
- Express Modem software works on Apple Modem!
- FMP and Pop-Up Defaults (Thank You)
- Font Tuner for System 7.1: CAUTION! (C)
- Free Net Access in Alabama & Mississippi
- Hand made paper and LaserWriters (A)
- High Performance Systems, Inc
- IBM Disk Inserted INIT
- Info-Mac Mail List
- InterSLIP Gateway Connection Scripts
- Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Motorola 68040 processor
- MRI of RAT
- Norton Encrypt
- Norton Encrypt (& Stuffit Deluxe)
- Offline mail reader
- Page cross-referencing within Word? (Q)
- PLI 88c unit nightmare
- Postal Zip-Code Software
- PowerPC Rumors
- PowerPC Upgrades: LB vs PDS card
- Print spooler (Q)
- QMS Lasergrafix 2400 (serial printer)
- QuickTime sounds
- rumor
- SoftPC performance (summary)
- stiction problem (A)
- StyleWriterII
- TCP---Someone Fix it!
- TeX-generated Postscript to EPS? (Q)
- Text search utility?
- trouble typing the letter 'o' (R)
- Utility for viewing PageMaker 4.2 documents?
- Word 4.0 running under System 7.1
- The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
- The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
- any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
- Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
- Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 09:14:49 +0100
- From: Karl.Pottie@uz.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie)
- Subject: [*] AutoBoot 1.2.2
- AutoBoot version 1.2.2 (c) 1992-93 by Karl Pottie
- A. What is AutoBoot ?
- AutoBoot is a Control Panel/System extension which will reboot
- (restart) you Macintosh after a System Error or a Freeze-Up has
- occurred. This comes in handy when your Macintosh must be 'on-line' at
- all times, even when it is left unattended for long periods of time.
- For instance, people using Timbuktu (a package which allows you to
- operate a Mac remotely by modem) or ARA complained that they had
- to drive down to the location of the Mac to reboot it after a
- system crash. Very nice if the Mac is located at the other
- side of town !
- Other uses can be found for file servers, systems that carry a BBS,
- systems with a FAX modem, systems which have file sharing
- turned on, disabled people who can not restart their mac themselves...
- AutoBoot allows maximal availability of these Macs, even in the
- presence of System crashes or Freeze-Ups.
- As one user wrote to me: "Permit me to thank you a thousand times for
- having developed it [...] For the fact that we were running your product
- last night, we were able to obtain 2 very important telefaxes that we
- would not have otherwise received".
- Version 1.2 is now compatible with Virtual Memory except on some older
- Macs (check documentation).
- AutoBoot version 1.2.2 changes:
- This version corrects an interface bug which prevented the use of
- some of the check boxes in the control panel.
- AutoBoot version 1.2.1 changes:
- This version fixes a bug on 68040 machines which caused the log-entry
- and notification after an automatic reboot to be absent. The minimum
- freeze-up delay has been changed from 15 to 10 minutes due to popular
- demand.
- I suggest you carefully read the "About AutoBoot" document before
- installing AutoBoot on your system. Please read the "Version 1.2.2 changes"
- document to be notified of some important changes.
- AutoBoot requires at least system 6.0.4. It is 32 bit clean,
- compatible with system 7 and VM compatible.
- Shareware: The basic fee for the first copy of AutoBoot is $20. For
- each additional macintosh you run this product on, you must pay
- another $10.
- You can distribute this software by giving it away to friend, upload
- it to a BBS or online services like Compuserve or AOL, or send it to
- any ftp site. Basically you can distribute it any way you like, as
- long as you don't ask any money for it, other than a small charge
- related to distribution costs (cost of a disk, postage or download
- fee) and keep it together with the unmodified document in the
- original compressed archive this product came in.
- Karl Pottie
- e-mail:
- karl@uz.kuleuven.ac.be
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/auto-boot-122.hqx; 134K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 07:13:55 PDT
- From: Christina M. Shafer - UMD Space Physics <SHAFER@umdsp.span.nasa.gov>
- Subject: [*] babysmash5.0 (new version)
- BabySmash 5.0 by Justin Cohen
- --------------------------------
- % You CAN'T break out of the program by using the mouse in any way!
- (as you may know this was a MAJOR problem with the old version)
- % Makes use of your entire screen whatever the size!
- % Saves your preferances when you quit! (Convenient)
- % Added a little baby fist cursor!
- % Added tons more sounds!
- % Can clear the screen with Flower-c (and try Flower-m-e for a self-portrate)
- -----------------------------------
- BabySmash is a shareware application that is for
- keeping your young kids happy without them accidentally dragging your word
- processor
- into the trash can. It basically just puts up random shapes and plays random
- sounds
- when your kid smashes on the keyboard (baby smash?) I know it sounds really
- stupid,
- and I'll admit it's my first real Mac program, but it's surprisingly catchy to
- those
- under the age of 5. I am amazed at how well it holds their attention. Anyway,
- it's
- shareware, so you have nothing to lose by trying. If you like it, you should
- send me
- something - $10 or at least a postcard if you're on a real tight budget.
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/baby-smash-50!.hqx; 375K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 14:33:07 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Brooks Seymore <n9241590@henson.cc.wwu.edu>
- Subject: [*] blit 1.0 re-submission
- --0-1271010480-742599609:#20423
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- Archivists --
- About a month ago I submitted the file blit-bw-10.sit.hqx to the archives.
- The file I am submitting right now should replace that earlier file. The
- file I sent earlier only contained the game application and the b/w data
- file. Since I submitted the game I have received a copy of the color data
- file that is needed to play the game in color.
- Blit is a timed puzzle game where the player attempts to unscramble the
- puzzle - similar to the old Puzzle DA in someways. It can be quite
- challenging/frustrating to do this at some of the higher levels.
- I am not the author of this game, I only found it on America OnLine.
- Enjoy,
- Brooks
- --0-1271010480-742599609:#20423
- Content-Type: APPLICATION/octet-stream; name="blit1.0.sit.hqx"
- Content-ID: <Pine.3.03.9307131406.B20423@henson.cc.wwu.edu>
- Content-Description:
- Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1993 19:12:02 -0700 (PDT)
- From: Brooks Seymore <n9241590@henson.cc.wwu.edu>
- Subject: blit-bw-10.sit.hqx
- To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu
- Archivists,
- Please accept the following submission to your archive. This is a game that I
- found several months ago on America Online. What is Blit? To best answer that
- question I quote the Readme file:
- > Blit! is an animated puzzle game. Your goal is to move the pieces of each
- > puzzle into their correct places on the board. You have a limited amount of
- > time to complete each level, so be quick!
- I am not the author of this game, only a satisfied user who wants to share
- this game with the internet community.
- D. Brooks Seymore
- n9241590@henson.cc.wwu.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/game/blit-10.hqx; 622K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 21:39:13 EDT
- From: usmaffei@mcs.drexel.edu (Sambo)
- Subject: [*] File
- The file that I sent you can be described as follows:
- Midnight Oil Beep:
- This is an 'snd' file that contains the first few notes of Midnight
- Oil's "Beds are Burning" from the "Diesel and Dust" album. It was directly
- transferred from the CD using QuickTime v1.6 and a movie to snd converter
- that I wrote. I found that this beep is pretty cool and not that
- annoying.
- Is this what you wanted? Sorry about the mix up.
- Samuel A. Maffei (Sambo)
- [Archived as /info-mac/snd/beds-are-burning.hqx; 41K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 08:26:12 -0700
- From: gonzo@ntb.apple.com (Ed Rotberg)
- Subject: [*] Fractal 1.1 again
- Fractal is a program that can generate a wide variety of fractal landscape,
- giving the user much control over many aspects of the rendered image
- including an illumination model, color, a distance hazing model, a
- water/wave texture model and more.
- This program is FREEWARE. The author reserves all rights. It may be
- freely distributed as long as all original documentation accompanies it.
- IT may NOT be included in any package sold for profit without the express
- written consent of the author.
- - Ed Rotberg -
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/fractal-11.hqx; 323K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 11:37:36 -0600
- From: allen@dec1.hep.utexas.edu (Charles Allen)
- Subject: [*] helix-101-updater.hqx
- Attached is the updater for updating Helix Express 1.0 to 1.0.1, in
- BinHex'd Compact Pro format. The description of changes from the "Read Me
- First" file is reproduced below. Direct questions to
- helix.tech@applelink.apple.com.
- Helix Express 1.0.1
- Read Me First
- April 28, 1993
- ___________________________
- What is new in Helix Express 1.0.1
- ___________________________
- Helix Express 1.0.1 is the first maintenance release of Helix Express 1.0.
- It includes several improvements over the first version:
- 1. A problem in the code that slowed loading operations has been fixed.
- 2. A problem where large amounts of memory were required by the Helix
- Express client to download Collection structure (on visit) has been fixed.
- It should now be possible to visit Collections with large structures with
- less memory on the client.
- 3. There was a problem where Collection performance would degrade when
- running under the Helix Express Server.
- 4. Attempting to print while a window in the background was trying to
- re-draw caused rare crashes. This has been fixed.
- 5. In certain situations, when the server would initiate an auto-save,
- the clients would hang. This is now fixed.
- 6. When a query was constructed using the 3 hole inequality tiles, the
- query optimizer sometimes yielded incorrect results.
- 7. Indexes on target fields occassionally became corrupted if
- undefined values were posted into them.
- 8. Due to a problem in the client caching, stale data could persist on
- forms. This problem has been eliminated.
- 9. The server could crash when trying to abandon clients during quit.
- 10. Records on a subform could not be dumped from a client.
- 11. Dumping of documents from a sequence would sometimes place the
- documents at the root directory instead of with the control file.
- 12. A dynamic popup's query that used the Use From tile would not work
- properly on an entry form opened from a clickable list in the Helix Client.
- 13. Some minor modifications have been made to the Business Manager and
- Contact Manager Solutions.
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/helix-101-updater.hqx; 772K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 9:14:47 EDT
- From: Robert Szarek <szarek@dlaeem.dnd.ca>
- Subject: [*] HiBBS 1.50 Client software
- Here is the lastest version of HiBBS client software made by XBR of
- Montreal, Quebec. Various improvements have been made and several
- bugs fixes have been implemented.
- A special thanks goes out to : Jean Pierre
- [Archived as /info-mac/comm/hi-bbs-client-15.hqx; 910K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 01:13:12 +0400
- From: Vladimir Butenko <butenko@stalker.srcc.msu.su>
- Subject: [*] LineShare 2.0 Demo
- LineShare 2.0 Demo
- The LineShare software enables communication lines (i.e.
- serial ports with attached modems) to be shared between
- several communication services (for, example, between Fax
- software and ARA software).
- The CCL scripting technology is used to support various
- modems. With LineShare scripts it is possible to share
- the single line between more than two services: for example,
- Fax, ARA, Mailserver and BBS can share the same device.
- LineShare also eliminates compatibility problems and
- simplifies the design of new servers: instead of complicated
- tricks with a serial port (to allow other applications to use
- the port when the server is idle), LineShare provides each
- server with a dedicated virtual communication port.
- The LineShare can run only under System 7 and with servers
- that support CTB ports. The non-server applications (like
- terminal emulators) can be old-style ones.
- LineShare is compatible with PortShare Pro: the line shared
- between several local servers can be made available for
- non-server applications on other computers. And more, server
- applications can run on remote computers.
- For instructions, see the ReadMe file included
- This demo version of LineShare has a limited number of
- server sessions.
- This version provides support for master-server applications, -
- (voice-mail packages) making it possible to route non-voice
- calls to a proper fax/e-mail/ARA/BBS application.
- Vladimir Butenko, Stalker Software, Network Group.
- [Archived as /info-mac/demo/line-share-20.hqx; 129K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 20:03:00 PDT
- From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
- Subject: [*] mac-life-insurance.hqx
- Date: 13 Jul 1993 04:06:57 -0500 (EST)
- From: STEIN78@wharton.upenn.edu
- Subject: MacLifeInsurance.hqx
- To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
- Message-Id: <01H0HAVUG9548Y54ZG@wharton.upenn.edu>
- X-Vms-To: IN%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8BIT
- Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
- Resent-Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 10:02:21 PDT
- Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
- MacLifeInsurance is a set of two control panels that will protect your work
- from system crashes, accidental deletions, power outs, corrupted files, and
- other Macintosh disasters with two levels of protection.
- MacLifeInsuranceFileSaver will protect you at the file level, by automatically
- saving your files by time and/or number of key strokes as you specify.
- MacLifeInsuranceKeySaver will protect you at the keystroke level, saving every
- key you type, so that you'll always be able to retrieve your workno matter
- what happens.
- These two levels of protection will give you piece of mindand save you hours
- of aggravation in the case of a Macintosh disaster.
- Shareware: $14.95.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-life-insurance.hqx; 63K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 11:42:44 EDT
- From: Adam Miller <AMILLER@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
- Subject: [*] Memories.hqx for After Dark
- Memories
- by Adam Miller 1993
- This is an After Dark module. It runs great in black and white.
- I guarantee you that you have never seen anything like it. It is kind
- of freaky sometimes.
- Remember, Memories is not available in any store.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/ad/memories.hqx; 5K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 00:29:19 -0600
- From: blade@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
- Subject: [*] Monitor Switch 1.0
- Monitor Switch is an application for the Macintosh which allows you to
- switch resolutions on your multisync monitor without the hassle of changing
- the cable that is connected to the built-in video. It is similar to
- DPI-on-the-fly and Radius Resolutions, but it is more compatible with other
- software (it is an application rather than an INIT/CDEV and it doesn't
- patch any traps).
- Monitor Switch currently works on the Centris and Quadra families of
- computers. It should work on any future Macintoshes with similar built-in
- video hardware.
- -David Suggs
- [Archived as /info-mac/cfg/monitor-switch-10.hqx; 63K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 21:08:06 -0400 (EDT)
- From: AARON@bcinfo.bc.edu
- Subject: [*] New Living Desktop Demo
- [Archived as /info-mac/demo/living-desktop-11.hqx; 96K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 3:48:51 PDT
- From: Brian R. Gaeke <brg@CERF.NET>
- Subject: [*] No Left Turn
- A little something for the right-minded Americans among us.
- this file is in PICT format and is compressed with StuffIt 3.0
- --Brian
- (brg@cerf.net)
- [Being a lefty myself... I was considering deleting this... :) -Gordon]
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/no-left-turn.hqx; 5K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 15:43:52 EDT
- From: walkerj@milo.math.scarolina.edu (Jim Walker)
- Subject: [*] OtherMenu 1.1 extension
- OtherMenu is an extension that creates a system-wide hierarchical menu
- somewhat like the Apple menu. It can be used for launching applications and
- documents, restart and shut down, various file management functions such as
- Delete, Empty Trash, File Info, and Make Alias, and executing FKEYs. It
- requires System 7. Shareware, $10.
- New in 1.1: When a directory dialog is showing, you can select a file or
- folder with the menu. Faster menu builds. Fixed a file error that caused
- failure on 68000 Macs.
- -- Jim Walker
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/other-menu-11.hqx; 145K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: 12 Jul 1993 08:43:08 -0600
- From: "pfterry" <pfterry@msmail.kgs.ukans.edu>
- Subject: [*] pocketforth
- Here's the latest version of PocketForth.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/pocket-forth.hqx; 287K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 01:14:45 +0400
- From: Vladimir Butenko <butenko@stalker.srcc.msu.su>
- Subject: [*] PortShare Pro 2.0 Demo
- PortShare Pro 2.0
- The PortShare Pro software enables your Macintosh to share serial
- communication ports (i.e. modems/printers/etc attached to those
- ports) with other Macintosh computers connected to your network.
- See the ReadMe file for instructions.
- This demo version of PortShare Pro has limited session time (2 min).
- Several new features were added in this version, see the
- Release Notes file included.
- Please, send your comments to:
- netprod@stalker.srcc.msu.su
- Vladimir Butenko, Stalker Software, Network Group.
- [Archived as /info-mac/demo/port-share-pro-20.hqx; 71K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 18:06:48 EDT
- From: bsa@engr.ucf.edu (Brad Ackerman)
- Subject: [*] PowerPC Chat (21 June 1993) from AOL
- Fellow Netters:
- Attached to this message is a chat log from America Online.
- The log was taken on 21 June 1993, and is from the Mac Development (MDV)
- forum.
- It features guest star Jordan Mattson of apple.com, who talks about the
- PowerPC.
- Since I'm a bit paranoid, here goes the legalese: This document might
- possibly
- be (C) 1984-1993 Apple Computer, Inc. All copyrights that might possibly be
- infringed are applicable under international and interplanetary law. The
- opinions of the people in attendance at the time the enclosed was logged, as
- well as the disposition of any and/or all computer systems this information
- passes through, are not necessarily the opinions of Brad Ackerman, AOL,
- Stanford, UMichigan, UTexas, Dr. Samuel Beckett, and/or God Almighty, King of
- Kings, Lord of Lords, etc. This file will self-destruct in 30 seconds,
- causing
- all quarks on which it is stored to abandon their bonded arrangement and
- proceed
- to Bermuda for a week's vacation. Resistance is futile. You will be
- assimilated. Have a nice day.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/info/power-pc-chat.hqx; 25K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 09:35:42 -0500
- From: tree@bedford.symantec.com (Tom Emerson)
- Subject: [*] Referential Expansion
- Referential Expansion is a control panel/init that works with
- Think Reference using AppleEvents. It will type the dummy arg
- list of any function documented in Think Reference when you type
- (? after the function name. For example, if you type:
- CopyBits(?
- Referential Expansion will turn it into:
- CopyBits( &srcMap, &destMap, &srcRect, &destRect, tMode, maskRgn )
- This software is free, the archive is self-extracting. It may be
- freely distributed as long as the READ ME file remains with the
- software.
- Version 1.0.2 7/8/93
- Chris Prinos
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/referential-expansion.hqx; 38K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 08:02:55 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Ephraim Fithian <fithian@acad.csv.kutztown.edu>
- Subject: [*] ScriptGen 2.1.3
- --44205-2147071977-742479075:#5684
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- While I am not the author of this software, I have used it successfully to
- install software on individual computers in a network. This version was
- downloaded from AOL.
- ScriptGen is an application that provides a point and click interface to
- writing Installer scripts. These installer scripts are used with Apple's
- Installer application to install files in correct locations on selected
- Macs. Apple's Installer application in included on the Install disk of
- system software. The latest version is 3.4. Installer is not included in
- this package.
- This package is shareware, but a commercial version ** ScriptGen Pro ** is
- available with additional features, such as installing and decompressing
- compressed and/or segmented files from disk.
- Ephraim Fithian
- Kutztown University of PA
- fithian@acad.csv.kutztown.edu
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/script-gen-213.hqx; 504K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 19:07:38 -0700 (PDT)
- From: "Paul J. Rodman" <rodman@cyberspace.com>
- Subject: [*] Shareware upload
- Timekeeper 3.0 is for anybody who charges for their time by the hour. It lets
- you keep track of projects you've worked on for different clients, and how
- much you're charging them for each activity you perform on a project. It
- offers extensive reporting, exporting and printing capabilities, to give you
- the flexibility to use the data you store on your projects in the ways that
- work best for you. Here are some of the useful features you'll find:
- - Lets you track time down to the tenth- or quarter-hour (your choice)
- - A virtually infinite number of clients, projects and activities are
- accessible with a mouse click
- - Lets you assign hourly rates to any activity
- - Automatically sums your time and charges on every project
- - Automatically creates summary reports by activity for any project
- - Automatically creates daily time reports
- - Lets you use customize the data you record on each project
- - Lets you export data on projects to database, spreadsheet or other
- applications for incorporation into your own billing system
- And there are many other features waiting for you to discover. This
- Timekeeper 3.0 demo offers nearly every feature available in the full
- working version, with the limitation that you can only track up to seven
- projects, and only for up to 20 days.
- Included in this Timekeeper Demo package are:
- - Timekeeper 3.0 Demo -- the Timekeeper HyperCard stack
- - Daily Time Reports -- the HyperCard stack for creating daily time reports
- - Time Report -- a FileMaker II file which can import project reports
- created by Timekeeper (this file can be converted to FileMaker Pro
- format)
- - TK Demo Help -- a text file which duplicates the on-screen Help available
- in Timekeeper (in case of problems printing the on-screen Help).
- Timekeeper 3.0 requires HyperCard 2.0 or higher.
- This file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.2.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/time-keeper-30.hqx; 110K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 11:29:56 -0700
- From: kalkwarf@netcom.com (Steve Kalkwarf)
- Subject: [*] Smaller Installer
- Bill Goodman's installer package, from AOL.
- [Archived as /info-mac/dev/smaller-installer.hqx; 165K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 19:50:40 EDT
- From: ugtalbot@mcs.drexel.edu (George T. "14K F/D" Talbot)
- Subject: [*] TheBar.sit.hqx
- This is an update to my application switcher "TheBar". It fixes several prs
- with color Quickdraw (or lack thereof) and adds the ability to hide background
- applications.
- [Archived as /info-mac/gui/the-bar-11.hqx; 39K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 15:39:08 -0600 (CST)
- Subject: [*] tribezh.hqx
- A side-by-side cross-eyed stereoscopic study of a quartic triangular
- Bezier patch. This movie was created using ViviStar Consulting's 3d
- source code libraries.
- After decompression, movie can be played with QuickTime for Macintosh or
- Windows.
- [Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/tribezh.hqx; 473K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1993 21:50:22 -0800
- From: krueger@apple.com (Mark H. Krueger)
- Subject: [*] update of earlier submission
- Hi,
- Earlier today I submitted my application Metamorphisis 1.1. Unfortunately,
- someone at another site discovered that it did not handle error messages
- properly. I have fixed that problem and am resubmitting the fixed up
- version. Sorry for not adequately testing this before I submitted it. This
- version 1.1a2 replaces all older versions ( 1.0 and 1.1a1 ). Thank you.
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/metamorphisis-11.hqx; 75K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 93 18:32:43 EDT
- From: bsa@engr.ucf.edu (Brad Ackerman)
- Subject: [*] Wave Window 1.0
- Enclosed, please find Wave Window 1.0, a software oscilliscope for the Mac.
- Following is the readme:
- WaveWindow* by Rustle Laidman
- What is it?
- WaveWindow* is a software oscilloscope. Very useful for anyone who works with
- sound on the Macintosh, educational, and fun to play with. It displays sound
- visually on your screen in real-time. Several different modes, including
- dynamic color waveforms.
- Requirements...
- Requires System 6.0.7 (or greater) and a Macintosh with microphone-input.
- Supports the Built-in Mic, MacRecorder, VoiceLink, any device that follows Mac
- protocol.
- How to Use...
- Easy to use, try singing into the microphone. After you get the basic idea,
- experiment with 'Preferences'. There are several different synchronization
- and display modes. Try the 'Lissajous Figures' in 'Async' mode and play an
- 'F' on your favorite instrument. Wow!
- If it doesn't work...
- Follow the normal procedure for connecting your sound input device. (Be sure
- to use the latest drivers for MacRecorder and second-party input devices.) A
- trouble-shooting procedure is detailed on the Shareware disk.
- Here's the deal...
- WaveWindow* is Shareware! If you pay the registration fee of $12, I'll send
- you the latest version, a User's Manual, the Perfect Pitch* GuitarTuner &
- product catalog.
- If you pay the Shareware fee, I'll continue to develop this program. (Lots of
- feature to add-- Graphic Equalizer, FFT Transform, Recording/Editting... Send
- in your suggestions!)
- Use the handy registration form under the Apple Menu in WaveWindow, and thanks
- for your support.
- Rustle Laidman
- 2117 Loma Vista Place
- Los Angeles CA 90039 % USA
- [Archived as /info-mac/sci/wave-window-10.hqx; 87K]
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 02:31:00 +0000
- From: WANDERER_DAVID/HPBOI1_03@hpdmd48.boi.hp.com
- Subject: 'PC's, MACS, & Word'
- This message goes out to those unfortunate folks like myself who
- have to use a PC at work and a MAC at home. Actually, a 486/66
- isn't as bad as some..but still.
- The times when I work on Excel & Word in the office and like to bring
- home things now and then....However the font substitution is
- not even close. Are there any fonts available for the MAC that
- allow PC documents to look the same? Actually, the main reason
- is that I want it to look the same when I bring it back to the
- office.
- Any suggestions?
- Thanks in advance
- Dave Wanderer
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 11:43:48 -0700
- From: "Stephen Harrison" <harrison@src.dec.com>
- Subject: (Q) Disk bracket for Centris 610 CD slot?
- Does anyone know where I can get a disk bracket to fit the middle slot in a
- Centris 610?
- Thanks,
- /Stephen
- --
- Stephen Harrison | harrison@pa.dec.com
- Systems Research Center |
- Digital Equipment Corporation | work +1 (415) 853-2140
- 130 Lytton Avenue | fax +1 (415) 853-2104
- Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA | home +1 (408) 739-7734
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 11:14:01 +0000 (U)
- From: WalrathW <walrathw@RFERL.ORG>
- Subject: (Q) Restrict Printer Access
- We have a problem here where we need to restrict who can print to certain
- printers which are generally accessible by all users (always visible in the
- Chooser). Certainly this must be a common problem, and I would think a rather
- easily solved one. Any suggestions? I will summarize any responses...
- -wayne
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Jul 1993 10:13:35 +0200
- From: Maurizio Codogno <mau@beatles.CSELT.STET.IT>
- Subject: (Q) seek advice for text editor
- I am searching for a text editor (*NOT* a word processor!) for Mac with the
- following characteristics:
- - fixed width characters
- - capability of editing large files (let's say 300K ones)
- - capability of searching for text and to set logical marks.
- Could someone give me some pointer? btw, if a clone of vi exists, it would be
- great for me.
- ciao! .mau.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 14:20:04 CDT
- From: C526142@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu
- Subject: (R) advice on 21 meg floptical drives
- harwell@bandw.panam.edu (Bandwidth Pig) said:
- > Why is this a problem? The only inconvenience I've run into was Norton
- > Backup having to be changed to 'back up to Macintosh File' instead of
- > selecting a special sized floppy to back up to.
- Well, then will either Norton Backup or or CentralPoint Backup handle
- the situation successfully when one 21MB diskette is not enough? I
- mean can these two programs make necessary notification and request
- more removable media like these 21MB diskettes as they do to normal
- floppy diskettes?
- > Iomega reads and writes 1.44MB disks like any other drive. Have not
- > specifically tried to run Installer from that drive, though. Have
- > succeeded
- The manual from Iomega claims that all flopical drive cannot
- read/write Mac 800K/400K diskettes but can read/write 720K diskettes.
- I personally verify the fact that you cannot run Installer from that
- drive. It is true at least for System 7.1 Kit, CentralPoint's
- MacTools Kit. Apperantly, these installation scripts don't know how
- to swap diskettes in flopical drive.
- > >3) Unit gets polled every minute or so looking for a disk.
- >
- > Have not noticed this activity.
- This might come from some INITs or programs running in the background,
- which access either the harddisk or floptical drives now and then.
- With much higher access speed for harddisk drive, such activity is
- probably less noticable. Checking all the INITs and startup programs
- might be the first step to investigate.
- > >4) Can not use Appple Diskcopy program with it.
- >
- > Tha's DiskCopy's problem. But then, DiskCopy has lots of problems.
- Isn't DiskCopy a "low level" program? Besides, the INIT driver of
- floptical drive tries to fool Finder that what it sees is a harddisk.
- The difficulty that DiskCopy has should not be suprising.
- Liu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Jul 93 12:58:35 GMT
- From: lingerk@attmail.com (Ken Linger )
- Subject: 24 Bit Startup Screen
- Why do I feel this has probably been asked before?
- Is is possible to have a StartupScreen larger than 8 bits? How?
- Ken Linger
- lingerk@attmail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 00:24:52 +0500
- From: wongt@midway.uchicago.edu
- Subject: Accessing multiple partitions during ftp
- I have an annoying problem with ftping that I hope to solve. The hard
- drive on our Mac IIvx has multiple partitions on it, and I use NCSA Telnet
- to access this computer by ftp remotely. The problem is that I can only
- access the partition on which Telnet resides. I cannot access any of the
- other partitions. I have tried putting aliases of the other partitions
- onto the partition with Telnet, but still no luck. Thanks in advance for
- any suggestions.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Jul 1993 13:46:38 -0700
- From: patfieldk@agcs.com (Kevin M. Patfield)
- Subject: American Heritage Dictionary - Wordhunter
- I have the original release 1.0 version of AHED and have been very
- interested by the current discussion of the Professional, Release 3
- or [whatever they're calling it this week] version.
- One of the things I looked forward to most as I waited for the program
- to arrive was the Wordhunter facility. Like most people, I'm
- occasionally stumped for a word and I thought this would be a very
- useful feature. When it arrived and I fired it up I tried the example
- I remembered seeing in the ad "bishop AND hot" Nothing! OK, I read
- more carefully, the example was "bishops AND hat", now I got the
- expected result "mitre". But as this and other tries at using
- wordhunter soon demonstrated to me, unless I knew the text of the
- reference I was trying to think of, it would not work. In practice, I
- would say that more than 50% of my attempts have failed for just this
- reason.
- Now I realize that the program isn't magic and it can only work by
- searching the text of the definitions but I would have expected some
- attempt to deal with plurals would not be too much to ask for.
- So can somebody please tell me, does the latest version work for
- "bishop AND hat"?
- --
- ==== Even the simplest thing can be scrrewed up! ====
- Kevin Patfield, AG Communication Systems, Phoenix, AZ
- Internet: patfieldk@agcs.com AOL: Patfield
- voice: (602) 581-4812 fax: (602) 581-4390
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Jul 93 12:48:21 GMT
- From: lingerk@attmail.com (Ken Linger )
- Subject: Any Rasterops Conflicts?
- Are there any known Rasterops conflicts? I just bought a 24 bit card for my
- SE/30 and things haven't been the same since. My old (8 bit) startup screen
- comes up as 1 bit on the color monitor (mostly black). The restart and
- shutdown SPECIAL menu items don't work. I can select them but I may as well
- have clicked on the desktop. When booting with minimum extensions like the
- stock Apple ones, this still happens.
- Some applications don't run anymore. I can drag and drop a file into an
- application, but the app just thinks I double clicked on it (ie, I still have
- to go to the file menu and load it). Also, some icons get screwed up; they
- become color snow for no reason. When launching some programs, the menu bar
- sometimes turns to garbage characters filling it up instead of saying the name
- of the program while it runs it.
- Now, I reinstalled System 7.1 and mode 32. The one thing is, just BEFORE
- putting the thing in, suddenly SuperBoomerang (4.1p) froze the computer at
- startup so I disabled it. While I still don't know why it did this, that was
- the only problem. All other problems didn't exist, or weren't noticable until
- I put in the new video card.
- The card is apparently old (circa 1990) which I wasn't told when I bought it.
- The documentation knows nothing about System 7 and only discusses different
- versions of System 6. Also, I have a Daystar 50 Mhz w/math ship. Is it
- conflicting maybe with that?
- Any help would be appreciated!
- Ken Linger
- lingerk@attmail.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 17:53:56 +0200
- From: denayer@deso.ucl.ac.be
- Subject: arab system
- Could someone tell me where I could find an arab system or an arab font on
- the net? How could Wordlscript be usefull to me?
- Thanks in advance.
- Benot De Nayer
- Centre de Droit de la Consommation
- 1, place des doyens
- 1348 Louvain la Neuve
- tel: 010/478538
- fax: 010/478532
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 03:17:20 -0700
- From: Frederic Miserey <miserey@laguna.ICS.UCI.EDU>
- Subject: Attention! RIVAL registered users...
- Dear Rival registered users,
- Microseeds is not in charge of the Rival anti-virus anymore. While a new
- structure is being formed to distribute and support Rival, technical support
- and upgrades will be provided to registered users.
- If you experience problems, or want to submit bug reports and suggestions,
- write to one of the following electronic addresses:
- - AppleLink: TESTNONE,
- - Internet: miserey@laguna.ics.uci.edu,
- - CompuServe: 73112,2144,
- - America Online: RIVAL.
- You can also write if you want to know more about Rival, the best, fastest,
- most unobtrusive anti-virus around.
- We will always acknowledge reception of your mail as soon as it is read. We
- will also provide a solution as soon as it is found (hopefully immediately, in
- most cases).
- In any case, please send us an electronic letter with the following
- information, and read on for the benefits of doing so:
- - name and company name,
- - geographic and electronic mail addresses,
- - telephone and fax numbers,
- - current version of Rival and vaccines list (optional),
- - serial number(s),
- - license type: single user or site license (how many users?).
- If you specify an electronic address, we will immediately send you the latest
- Rival (version 1.2.4) and vaccines. Best of all, you will automatically
- receive every new Rival or vaccine in the future, without even having to keep
- informed about what is happening in the (dark) world of viruses.
- You can be assured that you will now benefit from an excellent service. A new,
- totally redesigned version of Rival will be available before the end of the
- year, as well as a better structure to support and assist you.
- Sincerely,
- Fred and JMD (the authors)
- 1705 Cowper Street
- Palo Alto, CA 94301
- AppleLink: TESTNONE
- Internet: miserey@laguna.ics.uci.edu
- CompuServe: 73112,2144
- America Online: RIVAL
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 15:13:17 EDT
- From: tanju@geodesy.ho.att.com
- Subject: AU/X, how to get it?
- Hello,
- Questions, questions,...
- -Who sells AU/X?
- -How much does it cost?
- -What is the distribution media?
- -How much disk space is needed? (Recommendations based on
- experience will be appreciated).
- -Any pitfalls in running the Finder (System 7.1) under AU/X?
- (Particularly things like extensions, control-panels)
- Thanks in advance.
- -Tanju
- P.S. Thanks for all the responses to my BBS question.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 11:24:49 +0100
- From: Karl.Pottie@uz.kuleuven.ac.be (Karl Pottie)
- Subject: BENELUX users ATTN !
- If you live in the BENELUX and you have a CD ROM drive, check this out:
- If you buy the July issue of the Dutch MacWorld, you get a free CD, which
- contains a lot of demos and 240MB of recent shareware (as recent as May).
- So hurry to get your issue !
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 09:29:51 +0200
- From: jew@language.ou.dk (J|rn Erik Wennerstr|m)
- Subject: Booking
- Hello Netters
- I m frequently working with booking of lab time in our four student labs.
- I ve been looking around in the archives to see if an application for doing
- booking exists.
- Lab time is allotted on a semester basis, for shorter periods and for
- single lessons as well. For instance: documentation is taught on all
- mondays from 10 to 12 until mid october, then a break for a fortnight
- where one monday from 10 to 12 is occupied with an instruction in doing
- searches in a local database, the following monday is free and after that
- the regular course is resumed. Allotting of time must therefore be both
- global and local + use necessary safeguards agains double booking etc. Any
- help will be greatly appreciated - please reply directly and I ll summarize
- for the rest of you.
- Best regards,
- Joern Wennerstroem
- Systems Manager
- Faculty of the Humanities
- University of Odense
- Denmark
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 08:45:30 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: Centris 610, TR Cards (C)
- On Tue, 13 Jul, Larry Pickett wrote:
- >Please correct me if I am in error. Apple designed the Centris 610 so
- >that it is unable to accept long (7"?) nubus cards in its nubus adapter.
- >This is a major annoyance since our LAN is TR based and we have been
- >trying to plan a purchase of 610's for faculty desks.
- >
- >Apple, I'm angry, not that it will cause a lose of sleep in CA.
- Why are you angry at Apple, Larry? It's not as if they kept it secret.
- Requiring short cards is a well advertised limitation of the C610.
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 10:23:07 +0200
- From: Jay Rolls <jrolls@frg.bbn.com>
- Subject: Connecting Apple monitors to PCs (Q)
- Does anyone know if there are video cards available for PCs that can drive
- Apple monitors? I'm specifically interested in connecting an Apple 21" color
- monitor to a 486 PC on a switch box so I can switch the monitor back and
- forth from a Q950 and a 486. Thanks for any tips........
- Jay Rolls
- Stuttgart, Germany
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 08:21 CDT
- From: trimper@edsi.plexus.COM (Greg Trimper)
- Subject: Crippledrive major disad
- For me, the major disad to a crippledrive is this:
- Install Borland C++ with App Frameworks (Or OS/2, or MS Office for Windows,
- etc) from floppy. You can NOT do anything else - you have to watch for the
- "please eject the disk in drive A: and insert the next..." message.
- On a mac, not that there is software that comes on that many floppies,
- but still, when doing multi-disk installs, you have the perfect audio
- cue of the sound of the disk ejecting to let you know when it is time to
- install the next. You can keep your eyes on the book or manual or whatever
- it is you happen to be reading - you don't have to glance at the screen
- every three seconds, and hope you notice the "Please eject.." message on
- an already hard to read and cluttered installer screen.
- greg trimper trimper@edsi.plexus.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 14:46:16 EDT
- From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- Subject: DC Monument Pictures (Q)
- Goodwife Bloom is working on a project for which she needs pictures of
- Washington DC monuments and public buildings and such. After much fruitless
- blind snooping, I thought I'd ask y'all if you knew of any ftp sites that
- might carry such artwork.
- Thanks much
- Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
- ------------------------------
- Date: 15 Jul 1993 07:19:41 GMT
- From: Ross Wylde-Browne <Ross.Wylde-Browne@anu.edu.au>
- Subject: De screening software
- Can someone give a lead on software to remove the half-tone screen from
- scanned images of printed copy. I notice a number of scanners now claim
- to include such software, but I don't know how effective it is. I
- currently use the despeckle filter in Photoshop, but often this is not
- very effective leaving a very pronounced moire pattern on the screen and
- necessitating re-scanning at a different angle and/or resolution, all of
- which takes time, and the despeckle filter tends to soften the image
- anyway. An ideal solution would be a Photoshop plug-in if such is
- available.
- Research School of Earth Sciences
- The Australian National University
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 11:16:59 PDT
- From: oleg@ddrsrv.ypddr0 (Oleg Chaikovsky local)
- Subject: does info-mac still exist
- Hello all Mac netters...
- I have not been receiving the Info-Mac Digest lately. I have tried to
- resubscribe to the info-mac-request address as well as the BITNET server in
- Texas. PLease help me. I use the digest extensively to trouble-shoot for my
- mac users.
- I used to get the Digest regularly, but I had a mail-server problem for about
- a week and now I get nothing. Please reply to my regular mail address....
- oleg@ddrsrv.dny.rockwell.com
- or, if your mail gets bounced back, you can try to send it to my old
- address...
- b4sim@space.dny.rockwell.com
- Help me if you can. Thanks!!
- Oleg Chaikovsky
- sun/Mac Systems Manager
- Rockwell International - Downey, CA
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 15:10:03 -0400
- From: Gregory.Jewett@Potsdam.edu (Gregory Jewett)
- Subject: Express Modem software works on Apple Modem!
- Just like to comment that the fax modem software that ships with the
- PowerBook Express modem will work with the Apple Fax Modem. The actual
- software that drives the express modem does not work, only the fax
- software.
- The fax software was a newer version than the version that I had. It had a
- more improved interface and handling of fax documents.
- Questions..
- Is it legal to use the updated fax software that I obtained from a
- friends Duo 230? Is there a path to getting the update from Apple, ie ftp,
- or cheap mail-order?
- Questions, comments, answers? ..Greg
- ** Gregory Jewett Consultant/Programmer jewettgs@potsdam.edu **
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 12:49:33 -0500
- From: monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu (Monty Hampton)
- Subject: FMP and Pop-Up Defaults (Thank You)
- Many thanks to those of you who responded to my query regarding defaulting
- the pop-up menus in FMP. Especially: Charles Allen, David R Bosso, Ricardo
- C. Davis, David Lawrence, Phil Cram.
- My question was:
- -> Anyone know how to select a default entry from a pop-up list (field) in
- -> FMP without writing a script. I'd be much obliged for any advice -
- -> including the details of any script (just thought there might be a
- -> simpler way).
- The answer was quite simple, actually:
- "Just make the field have both auto-enter data and pre-defined valuelist and
- copy your default value into the auto-enter field." (DRB)
- Thanks again!.
- E.M. Hampton, OUHSC College of Pharmacy & OKC DVAMC
- 921 NE 13th Street,Oklahoma City, OK 73104 (405) 270-1549
- monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 08:57:31 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Michael A. McGuire" <mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu>
- Subject: Font Tuner for System 7.1: CAUTION! (C)
- I installed Font Tuner for System 7.1 on my IIfx. Memory use decreased by
- 169K or 4%. I can not tell if it has helped in any other way. I have bombed
- since I installed it but I live so near the bleeding edge I think I am on a
- fault line anyway.
- Michael A. McGuire, :-)
- UTCC - User Services
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 08:06:43 -0500
- From: monty-hampton@uokhsc.edu (Monty Hampton)
- Subject: Free Net Access in Alabama & Mississippi
- I have a colleague who is moving to the ALA/MISS line and is wondering if
- there is any free access to Internet in the area. I believe that I saw
- something on the net in the last month regarding this issue, but don't know
- how to search for it. Anyone out there know where a directory of free (or
- affordable) access to the net might be found.
- Much obliged!
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 20:59:11 PDT
- From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
- Subject: Hand made paper and LaserWriters (A)
- >I'd like to hear from anyone who has experience or insights into putting hand
- made paper through LaserWriters or laser printers. Our art department is
- looking for a laser printer that will fuse the toner onto the uneven
- surface
- of that hand made paper presents.
- My business envelopes are just a tad uneven and my LaserWriter 2 NT is not
- always able to go a great job of depositing toner into the entire surface.
- I know this because returned envelopes have lost parts of the toner. I have
- started putting clear tape over the address on the envelope. I imagine you
- will need something to really press the toner onto the paper and I bet most
- LaserWriters are not so rugged as to exert the force needed. Good luck,
- don't use an LW 2 NT.
- Kee@aol.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 10:22:21 -0400
- From: rmiller@thor.ece.uc.EDU (Rick Miller)
- Subject: High Performance Systems, Inc
- Hi,
- Does anyone have the phone number and/or address of
- High Performance Systems, Inc
- or
- Kent Hoxsey
- ?????????????????????
- They produce a system modeling tool called STELLA. I would like to buy a
- copy!
- Thanks!
- Rick Miller
- rmiller@quest.ece.uc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 11:35:58 EDT
- From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- Subject: IBM Disk Inserted INIT
- Alright, all you programmer types. Here's an INIT I'd love to see.
- Whenever you stick in a disk the Mac doesn't recognize, check to see if
- it's been formatted IBM-style. If so, either automatically run a user-
- selected software package such as SoftPC or Apple File Exchange, or give
- the user the option to continue with formatting or eject the disk. At the
- very least the Mac user should be able to get a directory of the disk if
- it IS an IBM format.
- What say? Or does this exist already?
- Brandon Munday
- bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
- Drive Defensively: Buy a TANK.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 14:29:34 EDT
- From: macwag@aol.com
- Subject: Info-Mac Mail List
- I would like to get on the distribution list for Info-mac. How do I do this?
- Thankst
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 17:09:40 EDT
- From: Steve Greenfield <FEATS%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: InterSLIP Gateway Connection Scripts
- I am trying to write a Gateway Connection Script that InterSLIP will use
- to connect me to our Gateway so I can get a SLIP connection. The InterSLIP
- product uses the 'Connection Control Language' documented in the AppleTalk
- Remote Access Modem Developer's Guide which I do not have access to.
- When I connect to the Gateway manually I have to hit the RETURN key before
- I get the CALL prompt and I also have to hit the RETURN key a few times
- before I get a VTTELNET> prompt later in the connection process. I have tried
- coding the following in my connection script:
- write "\13"
- but this does not emulate the RETURN key. Do any of you have access to the
- AppleTalk Remote Access Modem Developer's Guide and can tell me of a way to
- emulate the hitting of the RETURN key? I believe that once I get past this
- hurdle I will be able to successfully complete my script.
- Thanks in advance!
- feats@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 10:12:19 -0400
- From: Art Werschulz <agw@cs.columbia.edu>
- Subject: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
- Hi.
- Who currently owns "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing?" A phone number or
- email address would be nice.
- Thanks.
- Art Werschulz (8-{)} agw@cs.columbia.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 10:58:13 -0500
- From: dtmiya@rccpw0.monsanto.com
- Subject: Motorola 68040 processor
- I am considering the wisdom of buying an '040 Mac. What are the advantages of
- having an '040 as opposed to an '030, and how extensive are the software
- incompatibility problems? Thanks.
- David Miyamoto
- dtmiya@ccmail.monsanto.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 09:30:03 CDT
- From: dblyston@weird.biol.trinity.edu (Daniel V. Blystone)
- Subject: MRI of RAT
- This is a follow up to Robert Blystones request for MRI data of a RAT.
- 1) We are NOT interested in Virtural Reality.
- 2) MRI data will not do for Virtual Reality because it is based on
- several SLICES of a solid piece. This would only let you map it into a
- virtual world as a WHOLE piece.
- 3) We are looking for a person or site that has taken a full MRI of a RAT.
- This data will be reassembled on a Macintosh and used for mapping other
- data sets over the surface of the RAT. The data is time dynamic and
- will be represented by color changing over time.
- 4) The images would be in TIFF format with a Big Endian byte order.
- Please mail responses to rblyston@trinity.edu or
- dblyston@wried.biol.trinity.edu
- Thank You.
- Daniel.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 03:44:41 EDT
- From: mbriceno@aol.com
- Subject: Norton Encrypt
- Norton Encrypt, as most commercial encryption programs, does not provide
- sufficient protection against a determined and resourceful attacker, such as
- a foreign intelligence service.
- Just recently, the head of the French foreign intelligence agency was
- publicly honored for providing trade secrets held by US corporations to
- French competitors. It is a sad truth that intelligence services of all
- western nations routinely conduct industrial espionage in the US.
- The 56-bit DES algorithm employed by most encryption programs--including
- Norton Encrypt--has proved to be vulnerable to differential cryptanalysis, a
- deciphering technique available to many interested parties worldwide. The US
- government does not trust DES to protect its own classified data and neither
- should you. A much safer encryption algorithm is 64-bit IDEA, which so far
- has shown no weaknesses. There is presently only one program available in the
- US that uses IDEA or for that matter any other type of algorithm that
- provides better security than DES. This program is Pretty Good Privacy. PGP
- has been implemented on any conceivable platform from a Commodore 64 to a VAX
- and is available for the Mac. The newest version MacPGP 2.3 has just been
- released. If you need encryption then you want a copy of PGP. MacPGP is
- Freeware.
- Version: 2.3
- S8fEgd/zNwrxPMKshMx5n4xs372+cHCcbd18o189pDIWISMUIO7BBr8HKOJTAh5K
- YCwEIdzSaJrxMJGUGd4UCgzdFu1UTrrcfnypjb75UNyd/iPELPxfhb/wCYea9aPo
- eYew4/pcGWY=
- =veaM
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 15:23:31 EDT
- From: memco@cns.nyu.edu (Matthew Merkelson)
- Subject: Norton Encrypt (& Stuffit Deluxe)
- > Date: 13 Jul 1993 16:02:54 -0400
- > From: young-adam@YALE.EDU (Adam Young)
- > Subject: Norton Encrypt
- >
- > Stuffit Delux by Raymond Lau is an excellent
- > program that performs DES encryption. This program
- > is capable of using more than 8 characters in the
- > encryption, unlike Norton Encrypt and MacTools by
- > Center Point (actually it's Central Point, duh).
- >
- > Adam Young
- Stuffit Deluxe is a great program, but ever since
- version 3.00, it has not had DES encrytpion.
- It was eliminated because of the problems that
- having DES in a progrma cause for exportation.
- (Encryption programs are considered munitions and
- their export is strictly controlled)
- Stuffit Deluxe now has a proprietary encryption module
- that they will not release any specs or source code on
- (I asked).
- ---
- memco@wotan.cns.nyu.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 09:14:22 BST
- From: IanM@pindar3.demon.co.uk (Ian C McCall)
- Subject: Offline mail reader
- Hello.
- Can someone recommend a decent offline mail reader that copes with the mail
- spool created by NET/Mac? I'm currently using IM/Mac, but this has a limit of
- 32k per message. This digest is often well over that size (always?), and at
- the
- moment I'm having to make a copy of the spool, change its type to 'TEXT' and
- then load it into Word to be edited! All this just for mail. There must be a
- better way...
- Ian
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 15:36:11 +0100
- From: R.J.Forsyth@ncl.ac.uk
- Subject: Page cross-referencing within Word? (Q)
- Does anyone know of a way when writing a long document (thesis) in Word 5.1
- (Mac)
- to place cross references (ie "see page xxx") to other places in the text
- that will be dynamically updated as document changes alter the pagination?
- The stoneage way presumably is to leave "see page 000"'s everywhere and
- then search and replace right at the end, but there must be a more elegant
- way, surely?
- My initial research seems to suggest that Word for Windows *does* have such
- a feature (chapter 40 of the WFW manual). Perhaps it's one of those
- features (like Word Basic) that Microsoft haven't yet/don't intend to port?
- Any workarounds for a Mac-only (and wanting to stay that way if possible)
- set up welcome.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 1:32:25 AST
- From: guidop@conicit.ve (Guido Paccagnella (Hosp.Perez Carreno))
- Subject: PLI 88c unit nightmare
- It's always nice to get invited by a friend who just received a whole
- bunch of removables, monitors, accelerators, computers..... It makes
- you feel like Christmas day, with all the going to the boxes.... We're
- not toys-r-us kids anymore, but instead computers-r-us grown ups. The
- problem is that now Apple thinks it's Christmas time every two
- months....
- Well to get to the point of issue, our lucky friend received 3 PLI 88c
- removable units, and I was playing the role of the technical assistance.
- We placed the first unit on top of a Mac II case by the power supply
- side, mostly due to the short SCSI cable and the desk space. All units
- came with one cartridge pre-formatted and full of demo software. Fine
- with that, but we needed the space to back up the internal disk before
- starting to place the Rocket and other goodies in the machine. Now here
- starts trouble.. With the PLI formatter, the disk was formatted but
- gave us a hard time to initialize. Finally it works, we back-up the
- disk. After a while, and after wiping all the docs and applications
- >From the internal disk, updating the system and such, we try to mount
- the cartridge to organize the data. We start getting the disk
- unreadable initialize dialog, and of course the 88 cartridge would not
- mount for nothing in the world.. Now we're in Dire Straits ! We try a
- brand new cartridge (pre-formatted) and it mounts fine. We alternate
- cartridges and now we start getting flashing lights errors. Look up what
- they mean, spindle drive error- replace..
- Panic starts to grow, especially when all working docs seem to go down
- the drain in minutes. We pull out another unit from the box, it reads
- the pre-formatted disk but the back-up is unreadable. I try to keep cool
- and think ( I'm his tech support right ? It's not mine right ?) We plug
- the "good unit" to the Quadra 800 we were just playing with before the
- nuclear blast, and yes Norton gets my blessings again - recover the
- cartridge in full in a few minutes... Thanks Norton in spite of the
- flames of encryption....
- Now the fingers start pointing one unit as "defective" and big
- problem, we're not in the States to quickly call for support, or even
- B. L. for a unit swap. That's OK, for us it is sort of a calculated
- risk .. if it's broken, is very expensive to send it back and wait
- again to receive....
- Looking at the unit's case, there is a sticker that voids warranty if
- you open... (and I mean the outer case not the one in the Syquest unit
- itself ) which brings the funny question of what to do if the typical 3
- amp fuse in the switching power supply needs to be replaced.
- So we void the warranty and open the case, check cables and
- connections..... everything looks fine. By the way the whole case is
- plastic with no shielding at all. The only metal plate seen is used in
- the back to hold the SCSI connectors, AC switch, sockets SCSI ID..
- The spindle drive seems to spin free, so no sticktion here. We try the
- unit with the case open.. Now the cartridge mounts correctly without
- error lights. By this time it's already 10 at night and I brought the
- unit home to check it better.
- Fine the disk is working again, now we try formatting with Hard Disk
- Toolkit.
- The unit is closed again and on top of other external units. I still
- have a MicroNet 44 that I bought in '89. Never had problems with it,
- and once in a while I clean the dust inside the unit. Toolkit (1.1.1)
- formats, verifies and when it gets to the point of initializing the
- disk it freezes badly and all I can do is tell Macsbug to reboot.
- Further testing and trying seems to pinpoint a problem in the read
- cycle, and I mean when Toolkit finishes initializing and tries to read
- the disk, it never happens. Also rebooting with the cartridge mounted
- produces the same effect when the Mac scans the SCSI chain and meets Mr.
- Nice..... At this point the conclusion is that the unit is unreliable,
- so I tell my friend to read carefully all docs and try testing a little
- more, since the Q800 did initialize from the finder dialog of the
- unreadable unit earlier in the afternoon. (We tried that too, and were
- surprised it worked..) So finally the next day my friend starts,
- working on the "good" unit and now this one starts doing the same thing
- as the one that had us sweating 'till 11 the night before. Now this
- started a pattern, so I guess the defective Syquest unit can be ruled
- out, and the cables or what ever comes in. I must point out that the
- documentation was kind of old warning not to use the Formatter with sys
- 7 and so on. At this point we are not very sure if the software is 7
- savvy or what yet.
- My strongest suspicion however is the fact that the plastic case has no
- electromagnetic shielding, so placing the unit on top of the Mac on the
- power supply side, or even on top of another unit, or near sources of
- strong electromangetic fields and noise like an UPS could be turning the
- unit into a nightmare... The shielding issue takes a stronger grip
- after telling my suspicion to my friend and requesting to place the unit
- away from the power supply. After that the units worked fine all day
- long.... And that was Martes 13 for us wich gets the energy of a
- Friday the 13th. If I didn't bore you to death this far, have you
- seen, heard or experienced (ouch) something similar with these units ?
- If the lack of shielding is giving this problems, I would strongly
- recommend PLI engineering to fix it. And a metal case would definitely
- bias my upgrade path for my old still reliable Micronet 44. Still PLI
- could shield the plastic units for that matter.
- Guido Paccagnella
- guidop@dino.conicit.ve
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 12:15:57 GMT
- From: photo@theporch.raider.net (David Anderson)
- Subject: Postal Zip-Code Software
- Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
- >Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
- >>Gary Lee Nelson asks:
- >>>Can anyone point me to a piece of software for retrieving telephone
- >>>and postal codes? The ones I find in info-mac are not complete
- >>>enough.
- >>I know nothing about telephone area-code software. However, there are at
- >least
- >>two Zip-code programs I am aware of: ZP4 and ACCUZIP6. Both are commercial
- >>programs that can provide not only Zip codes but also do address checking,
- >>address standardization, and can provide the Zip+4 and carrier-route info
- >>for any address in the country.
- >.... other stuff
- >Add to those Bulk Mailer CASS from Satori Software. (Bulk Mailer is a
- >10 Year old product line)
- >It has a better interface than either of the other two. It doesn't double
- >the size of the data base like Accuzip. It is alot easier to understand
- >than ZP4. It also allows provides for updating only those records
- >that need to be checked (For the best rates without tying up your computer
- >for days on end and still be certified by the Post Office)
- >The cost is 195$ and 50$ per month.
- >All three products are based on US Postal information (7+ gigabytes)
- >Satori Software
- >2815 2nd Ave Ste 295
- >Seattle WA 98121
- >206/443-0765
- Also note that I have a copy of Bulk Mailer + which does not work. The
- customer support is lousy (they can't even get my name right) and I
- eventually went to another package.
- David Anderson
- nashville tn
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 14:09:17
- From: charlie.mingo@his.com (Charlie Mingo)
- Subject: PowerPC Rumors
- hades@coos.dartmouth.edu (Brian V. Hughes) writes:
- > The last semi-substantiatied rumor states
- > that Apple will be releasing a PowerPC 601-based Mac in January
- > (possibly on the Mac's 10th anniversary ?), and the last official
- > word on the PowerPC 601 says that it is ahead of scedule and
- > IBM will be releasing a PowerPC 601-based workstation this
- > September. Until someone can point to something concrete about
- > this Spring '94 push-back of the PowerPC Mac it is more than
- > worthless information
- In the Business section of last Sunday's New York Times, there was
- an interview with the head of Apple's PowerPC effort, and he repeatedly
- said the first PowerPC Macs would be "springish" 1994. The reporter
- suggested the possibility of a SuperBowl release (like the Mac in 1984),
- but the Apple executive demurred and repeated "springish".
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 15:32:34 CDT
- From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
- Subject: PowerPC Upgrades: LB vs PDS card
- Some people wrote to me about my last posting on this topic in which
- I complained about Apple's leaving it to 3rd parties to produce PPC
- upgrades for Quadra 700, 900 and 950 owners. I didn't mean to slight
- Radius or DayStar Digital, but I'm pretty convinced that a logic board
- upgrade from Apple is better than a PDS card from Daystar, assuming
- the same engineering competence in both companies.
- But I could be wrong. Perhaps someone more knowedgeable would like to
- comment on what one might expect to find on the logic board that would
- be missing from a PDS card. 64 bit architecture all the way thro' rather
- than just in the processor?
- Graeme Forbes
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1993 09:23:11 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Michael A. McGuire" <mcguire@utkvx.utk.edu>
- Subject: Print spooler (Q)
- Hi
- I am sorry to bother you (not too much of course) but I have exhausted
- AppleLink and all my print recources. I am trying to find a print spooler
- that will allow me to do a few simple (I think) things. So far none that I
- have looked at will do them.
- 1. Capture a printer(s).
- 2. Disable direct printing to the printer(s).
- 3. Set up a print queue for the printer(s).
- 4. Allow the administrator to select which jobs from the queue will print
- one or more at a time in any order.
- 5. Display the file name, user name, time the file was received, date the
- file was received, number of pages to print, number of copies (it would be
- OK if this was reflected in number of pages), and paper type selected by the
- user from the printer dialog box.
- 6. Create a log of all queue activity.
- 7. It must run with AppleShare on a central file server.
- So far I have looked at:
- AppleShare Print Spooler
- K-Spool
- Color Central
- Print Central
- PServe
- SpeedDriver
- The Blue Parrot
- Waterloo MacJanet
- Color Central came close but they do not reflect copies and you have to set
- up 2 queues to control printing and you can't hide the queue that does the
- printing.
- This seems like such basic needs that every piece of spooling software
- should support them. Obviously I am missing something. Any recommendations
- you could make would be appreciated.
- Michael A. McGuire, :-)
- UTCC - User Services
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 11:19:51 -0400 (EDT)
- From: LAN Supervisor <COLMENARES@rhoda.fordham.edu>
- Subject: QMS Lasergrafix 2400 (serial printer)
- Is there a way to hook up a QMS Lasergrafix 2400 (serial printer)
- for use with a Macintosh?
- Thanks,
- Josephine Colmenares
- Fordham University
- colmenares@rhoda.fordham.edu via Internet
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 13:38:59 EDT
- From: TIM CASTLE <castlet@gtewd.mtv.gtegsc.com>
- Subject: QuickTime sounds
- Does anyone know a way to extract the sound out of a QuickTime movie and
- put it into a System 7 sound file? It seems like there was a utility mentioned
- recently, but I can't remember what or where it was.
- -T.C.
- castlet@eltsac.mtv.gtegsc.com
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 08:25:03 PDT
- From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
- Subject: rumor
- Apparently Apple reps at PC Expo were talking Spring 94. That may
- just be conservative, or it may be fact, there's no telling.
- cheers ... -Adam
- In Regards to your letter <199307140722.AA20547@nwnexus.wa.com>:
- > > Well, it seems that we won't be getting any PowerPC powered
- > >computers until spring 1994, but your computer is already PowerPC ready
- > >and you can easily put one in it by dragging this startup screen into your
- > >system folder. The picture was taken from the 10 pages ad in Computer
- World.
- >
- > This nice little rumor has been showing up in the Mac newsgroups for
- > the past week or so, but no one seems to remember just where they saw
- > it. The last semi-substantiatied rumor states that Apple will be
- > releasing a PowerPC 601-based Mac in January (possibly on the Mac's 10th
- > anniversary ?), and the last official word on the PowerPC 601 says that
- > it is ahead of scedule and IBM will be releasing a PowerPC 601-based
- > workstation this September. Until someone can point to something
- > concrete about this Spring '94 push-back of the PowerPC Mac it is more
- > than worthless information.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 10:24:46 +0200
- Subject: SoftPC performance (summary)
- thanks to everybody who replied on my questions of SoftPC performance.
- Here is a summary:
- Norton si on SoftPC on the following Mac's:
- MacIIcx: 3.1
- Powerbook 170: 5.2
- MacIIcx (33MHz 030 and fpu card) 6.2
- MacIIsi: 5.0
- thanks to: Andrew McAllister <C511899@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu>
- "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
- qsi@contrast.wlink.NL
- for this information.
- Arlen D. Carey writes:
- > Howdy,
- >
- > I've used softpc (w/ the "at" upgrade on 2 MACS, an SE/30 and a IIsi,
- > both with 5MG RAM and an FPU (and usually using 9MG of virt. mem.).
- >
- > All in all I've been quite pleased with it (and gutsier models are now
- > available). I typically only have my MAC in my office, and while SPC
- > is certainly slow, the convenience of not having to swap files and
- > move to some other office with a pc makes SPC the home of most of my
- > DOS tinkering. It bears noting though that I generally only use fairly
- > small simple apps in the DOS world (why, e.g., use a DOS word proc.?).
- > However, for my dissertation, I had to run a dos app that crunched a
- > bunch of numbers on each run (and I had about 200 runs to go through).
- > Under SPC, each run took about 5-6 minutes to complete, on a 486 pc
- > a run took less than one minute. So for that task, I used SPC and my
- > mac spreadsheets, text editors, etc. to prep and test my input files,
- > and then took the files to real PC land for the runs, and then brought
- > the output back to my mac for editing. I guess the moral is this: if
- > you MUST do a bunch of intensive computing on in a DOS environment, get
- > a real dos machine (i've seen used 386's for not that much more than
- > SPC). If you don't have such needs regularly, and if you don't want
- > clutter/hassle of 2 machines, then SPC is a good choice.
- >
- > If you have any other questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
- > Good luck!
- > *************************************************************************
- > Arlen D. Carey * internet: fdcarey@ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu
- > Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology * bitnet: fdcarey@ucf1vm
- > University of Central Florida * phone: 407/823-2240
- > Orlando, FL 32816-1360 * fax: 407/823-5141
- > *************************************************************************
- > SoftPC any version is indeed slow. Slow as Molasses even on a IIci, the
- > comparable machine to the LC/III. I asked the people at Insignia what kind
- > of performance to expect, and they told me non of the versions out have
- better
- > than 286 performance. For running MS-DOS itself, fine. But one thing you
- > must be carefull of: I read a digest posting a couple weeks ago saying that
- > without an FPU many errors start cropping up. There are two alternatives,
- if
- > all you need is word processor/desktop publishing/still graphics
- > formats/spreadsheet/database conversion, pay half of SoftPC's price and get
- > DataViz MacLinkPlusPC. This program is the biggest boon to IBM-MAC
- > communications I have ever seen. 700 conversions in all, and it includes a
- > couple for Sun Machines, Apple IIe, and Next built in. MLPC also has built
- in
- > Apple PCExchange (like Dos Mounter or Access PC), and EasyOpen to select
- which
- > translators to use to open on applications you already have. It works on
- > any Mac with a circular phone/printer port.
- > The other option you may want is OrangePC.
- > I haven't tested it myself yet, but if we are to believe
- > OrangeMicro's ad in MacWorld, it is a SoftPC with 486 speed, full SuperVGA
- > graphics and Windows at that speed. The problem is, it is still $1100.
- Their
- > earlier software/hardware combination was a 386/33 for $3000. That was
- NuBus
- > only, and I expect the 486 version to also be NuBus only.
- > The other problem is SoftPC eats up at least 10 MB of hard disk space to
- give
- > you the equivalent of an IBM hard drive to store your data.
- > One praise for SoftPC, it was the first to offer an AT & Mac in one
- platform.
- > This however is out of date. There is also SoftNode which I haven't tested
- > either.
- > Hope this helps.
- > Normal Disclaimers apply.
- > Sincerely,
- Tom Wilson writes:
- > I've used SoftPC and recently purchased SoftAT (the "high performance"
- > version) and I can't find any machines (SE/30, II, IIx, IIfx, IIci, IIcx,
- > LCII, or LCIII) that it runs well on. At first, I was upset that I'd spent
- > the money, but that was before I absolutely, positively, HAD to run a PC
- > application and had nothing else to run it with. Now, I'm glad I have it.
- >
- > When you think about what has to happen to make a Mac run PC software, you
- > really begin to appreciate it. It's analogous to running Windows on a 286
- > (...a little cruel humor.....)
- >
- > Tom Wilson Voice: (615) 574-3927
- > Oak Ridge National Laboratory FAX: (615) 576-7926
- > Bldg. 9201-2, MS 8072
- > Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8072
- > <wilsont@fedc04.fed.ornl.gov>
- Peter Gerhardstein writes:
- >
- > The software is rather slow on any paltform: I have run
- > BMDP (stats package) on a Mac IIfx running SoftPC, and
- > the same stats program that took 30 seconds on a 386 took
- > about 70 seconds on a IIfx.
- >
- > Hope this helps.
- >
- > Peter Gerhardstein (gerhard@ccit.arizona.edu)
- > Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
- >
- >
- Gerrit Polder.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 21:31:12 PDT
- From: i6bk@odin.cc.pdx.edu (Brian Korver)
- Subject: stiction problem (A)
- > I have recently developed 'stiction.i' The usual trick of slappig the drive
- > has worked temporarily, but if I power down my system, the drive locks up
- > again
- > It is a Quantum (ProDrive 80 980-80-9401), and I know that there are a few
- > models that are notorious for this problem, but I don't know that this par-
- > ticular model is one of them. My real question is; is ther any way to per-
- > manently fix this? If so, is it worth it? Or, is this now a paperweight?
- Call Quantum tech support. I got the # from the people I bought the drive
- >From (LaCie). When I had this problem (a long time ago), I just gave
- Quantum tech a call, they asked for the ROM revision number from the drive,
- and within a few days I received a new ROM via mail. The ROM fix worked
- great.
- -Brian Korver
- i6bk@odin.cc.pdx.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 13:15:40 -0400
- From: norm@helix.nih.gov(Norm Friedman)
- Subject: StyleWriterII
- Information please:
- In a recent "TidBits" concerning refilling HP Desk Writer cartridges- is
- anyone familiar with a similar process for StyleWriterII?
- > I have just recently purch an Apple "StyleWriter II. I notice that you have
- > stated that the HP ink cartridge is refillable at home. I was wondering if
- > you have any info on the self refilling of the StyleWriter. Current cost
- > of cartridge is about $19 and would be a huge saving if one could be
- > refilled. Contact me
- > norm@helix.nih.gov
- I do not receive the digest, so anyone please email me directly.
- Thanks in advance for the help.
- Norm
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Jul 1993 14:15:28 GMT
- From: cshotton@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu (Chuck Shotton)
- Subject: TCP---Someone Fix it!
- In article <220l4mINN1us5@rs1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE>, Sebastian Hagedorn
- <hgd@spinfo.Uni-Koeln.DE> wrote:
- >
- > Actually, the possible discontinuation of MacTCP might be positive for us;
- > once Apple leaves the TCP/IP market there is no reason anymore why someone
- > else shoudn't write a replacement - however long it's going to take,
- > there WILL be a market for it!
- No, it's very likely that if Apple drops MacTCP, many corporate,
- government, and academic organizations will drop Macs from the list of
- approved or supported machines. The lack of a clearly defined and supported
- TCP/IP stack for the Mac will throw Mac IP networking back into the 1986
- dark ages where every hardware vendor shipped their own competing TCP/IP
- stack.
- With Microsoft shipping TCP/IP as a bundled, integral part of the NT
- operating system, the proliferation of Unix desktop boxes running TCP/IP,
- Novell's switch to TCP/IP for transport, and the emergence of low-cost
- TCP/IP stacks for DOS machines, dropping MacTCP is about one of the dumbest
- things Apple could do.
- The segment of the business and government population that relies on
- networked computers for day to day operations is rapidly standardizing on
- TCP/IP. This is the RIGHT time for Apple to include MacTCP as part of the
- Mac O/S, just like ADSP was rolled in with System 7. Discontinuing support
- for MacTCP (or continuing the current level of support) would confirm the
- suspicion that Apple's new management has no nose for innovation and
- leadership but only the bottom line.
- > Up to now it would've been somewhat of a risk, as you never know what
- > Apple's
- > going to do next :-)
- >
- > So, let's hope they dump it!!
- Let's not.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 09:11:22 BST
- From: IanM@pindar3.demon.co.uk (Ian C McCall)
- Subject: TeX-generated Postscript to EPS? (Q)
- Hello.
- Does anyone know how to go about converting postscript to EPS? I realise this
- may not be as simple as it sounds, but this ability is currently needed as a
- matter of some urgency.
- The full history is that we have managed to get TeX running on A/UX, but we
- need
- to convert its output into EPS. Currently, we can get it to Postscript and no
- further.
- Any clues?
- Ian
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 12:01:43 -0400
- From: cms1@cornell.edu (Mike Scullin)
- Subject: Text search utility?
- Help! Desperately looking for a Mac utility which will search a set
- of files for a given text string. Hoping to find freeware or shareware.
- Would be nice, too if it had features like:
- - case-sensitive/ignore-case,
- - output to file/screen/clipboard/scrapbook,
- - input from dialog/file/drag-and-drop.
- Anybody know? Thanks much.
- Mike Scullin
- Cornell University Information Resources 607-254-6489 cms1@cornell.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 07/14/93 11:19:37 EDT
- From: LC6@CORNELLA.cit.cornell.edu (Larry Chace aka rlc1@cornell.edu)
- Subject: trouble typing the letter 'o' (R)
- I have also seen this (and other) problems on several ADB keyboards.
- The word "top" is a common offender; it comes out as "to" and the next
- letter (even if it is other than "p") gets swallowed. I also have
- troubles with "logout", where the "t" becomes a semi-colon. I have
- observed this even when typing slowing and VERY carefully. I never
- happened on the old MacPlus, but I have had it on a CI, SI, and II.
- Other folks here at Cornell also have seen it.
- Perhaps this is a case of "Malasian keyboards".
- Larry Chace, Cornell Information Technologies (rlc1@cornell.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 13:16:08 -0400
- From: jhuang@itsmail1.hamilton.edu (Jim Huang)
- Subject: Utility for viewing PageMaker 4.2 documents?
- Does anyone know of an application, freeware/shareware/commercial that
- allows one to view and print (but not modify) PageMaker 4.2 documents? I
- looked through the archives but didn't find anything that fit the bill.
- Please e-mail any ideas/leads you may have. Thanks in advance!
- Jim
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 07:28:05 EDT
- From: Steve Greenfield <FEATS%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
- Subject: Word 4.0 running under System 7.1
- I just upgraded to a Centris 650 running System 7.1 and when I try and
- startup Word 4.0 I get the following:
- The application "Microsoft Word" has
- unexpectedly quit, because and error of
- type 3 occurred.
- Do I need to apply a fix to Word 4.0 to run under System 7.1?
- Thanks for any advice!
- feats@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 08:35:31 -0400
- From: PHILLIP MICHAEL WILLIAMS <pmw0@lehigh.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.digest
- Path: pmw0
- From: pmw0@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu (PHILLIP MICHAEL WILLIAMS)
- Subject: Two internal HD's in a IIsi??
- Message-ID: <1993Jul14.123530.74498@ns1.cc.lehigh.edu>
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 12:35:30 GMT
- Organization: Lehigh University
- Lines: 13
- I was wondering if it is possible to install a second hard drive in my IIsi.
- It appears as if there is enough room in the box, but is the power supply
- going to be able to handle the extra load? If the answer is yes, where can I
- find instructions on how to do it? Also, what are the going prices for
- 100-200 MB drives these days? Are there any places that sell
- refurbished/second hand drives?
- Thanks in advance for your help.
- If these questions are answered in a FAQ please let me know where I can get
- it!
- Phil Williams
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 1993 09:18:37 -0800
- From: jamiel@sybase.com (Jamie Lawrence)
- >Date: 9 Jul 1993 02:47:36 -0400
- >From: young-adam@YALE.EDU (Adam Young)
- >Subject: Norton Utilities
- [stuff about Noton Encrypt using only the first 8 digits of a passowrd to
- encrypt deleted]
- >If you are currently
- >using Norton Encrypt then I suggest you multiple
- >encrypt your most precious files until you find
- >a better program (i.e., a REAL DES encryption
- >program). This will permit an effective
- >password of 16 characters or more (depending
- >on how many times you reencrypted the files).
- >If you choose to multiple encrypt your files I
- >recommend that you verify that the files have
- >been reencrypted. I would not be suprised if
- >they don't get reencrypted.
- >
- I am no cryptographer, but from random browsing on the sci.crypt, I am
- pretty sure that this is wrong- that encrypting 2X does not nessessarily
- double effective security, let alone the jump in security of an 8 digit
- password to a 16 digit one. Don't take my word for this- if this matters,
- verify it (and the sci.crypt newsgroup is a great resource, although I
- don't think they would appreciate 175 'what about norton encrypt...'
- messages, so...)
- And to the moderators- sorry about the .sig- won't happen again.
- jamie
- My company doesn't have anything to do with my opinions, nor do I
- if they might cause trouble for me at some point in the future.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 20:12:48 PDT
- From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
- Subject: [*] euclid-11b19.hqx
- Euclid is a collaborative hypertext system which supports argumentation. It
- is an academic project which is useful for developing academic papers and
- other reasoned arguments. It is general enough to use as an editor for any
- type of network since all types are user-definable.
- b19 fixes several bugs and contains some other minor changes. Read the
- release notes for more information. It uses the manual from b18
- (eucliddoc.hqx).
- [Archived as /info-mac/app/euclid-11b19.hqx; 248K]
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Mac Digest
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